Crawfish for a Cause annual crawfish boil will take place April 2nd, 2022 at Steady Hand Beer Co!
This event will raise money for the the Will to Live Foundation in Cole Hagood’s name. The foundation is dedicated to raising awareness of teen suicide and mental illness in our communities. Through education, motivation, fellowship and most importantly love, they motivate young adults to recognize the power they have to deliver hope and understanding to each other – increasing their own Will to Live in doing so.
At this year’s event, there will be three bands, all-you-can-eat crawfish, and of course beer.
The event will be held from 3-11pm. Crawfish for a Cause is excited to continue to connect causes to the community through music, food, and awareness.
Headliner: The Orange Constant (@orangeconstant)
Spaghetti Western (@spaghettiwesternatl)
Manic Vision (@manicvisionmusic)
Grab your tickets at